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OGNR photo op pre rally cropped resized 2.jpg
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More than 150 Bellarine residents gathered at Edwards Point on 14 August along with Andy Meddick and 3 state election candidates to Protect the Bellarine. 

Sobering news on the state of our environment


The 2021 State of the Environment report (SoE 2021) provides an independent, comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of the state of Australia’s environment.

SoE 2021 is co-authored by some of Australia’s most respected environmental scientists and experts, and led by a diverse group of co-chief authors who bring their own expertise and perspectives to the report: 


19 July 2022

State of the Environment Report 2021

News from 28 April 2022  Bellarine Times

DAL newletter 28 April Bellarine Times.JPG
Bellarine groups Bell times 26 May.JPG

Bellarine Groups defend town character.

Boundary Battle 
Looms - Residents unite to protect towns
(Geelong Advetiser 30 May)



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